Thursday, June 30, 2016

New Short Story is OUT!

This week, the third installment of the Frendyl Krune Origins short story series was published through Evolved Publishing--which is pretty darn exciting! This short is probably one of my favorites so far, and unlike the others, doesn't focus on one of the core group from the Frendyl Krune main series of books.

I've had a few people approach me, noting that they would love to read Frendyl Krune Origins: Their Pretty Bones, and wanted to know in which order to read this Middle Grade epic fantasy series. I've listed that, along with links to each story, below!

Frendyl Krune and the Blood of the Sun
Frendyl Krune Origins: The Ekrim's Oath
Frendyl Krune and the Snake Across the Sea
Frendyl Krune Origins: The Sandstone Script
Frendyl Krune and the Stone Princess
Frendyl Krune Origins: Their Pretty Bones

More of the Frendyl Krune series will be coming out this year, namely Frendyl Krune Origins: Her Tired Heart (due out September 26!) and Frendyl Krune and the Nightmare in the North (due out November 28!). This will bring the series within one short story and two full-length books of being completed! That's pretty darn exciting.

The face-stealer Laakashiin fell into the realm of the gods, and when Frendyl Krune left him behind, the god Batrisk swallowed him whole. Now Laakashiin sees all, knows all, and fears the worst, for Batrisk plans to steal the fabled Blood of the Sun from Frendyl. To keep the deranged god from claiming such vast power, Laakashiin must fight to keep Batrisk trapped below ground—or succumb to the god’s will and lose himself forever.

To grab a copy of Frendyl Krune Origins: Their Pretty Bones, go here!

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