
Lauren looked at herself critically in the mirror. The dress was all wrong. The slit of the emerald green dress came too far up her thigh and the square neckline revealed too much of her ample breasts. It was too sexy for an anniversary party. She reached for the side zipper and stepped out of the dress. She put it back on the hanger and went back to her closet. That was the third dress she tried on so far tonight. Her eye came upon a sapphire sheath. She pulled it out and tried it on. The sheath was form fitting with a cowl neckline and was tapered in the waist emphasizing her hour glass figure. It was tasteful and classy; Georgina would approve. She twisted her hair into a chignon. The simple diamond studs she always wore looked a bit plain. Mrs. De Luca had given her a pair of large gold hoops for Christmas last year which she had never worn. She was tempted to put them on but she knew she couldn’t. The diamond studs were a gift from her father and she had promised him she would never take them off. The studs would have to do. As she thought of Mrs. De Luca, the familiar pang of guilt gripped her heart. She was surrounded by people who were so good to her—Mrs. De Luca, Jack, Georgina, and yet she was lying to them all. Everything she had told them about her past was a lie. She had longed to be honest with them as she had never felt so accepted and loved in her life. Her father had loved her but it was always on his terms. Once she lived her life in a way he approved everything was fine. Otherwise the disappointed looks and cutting comments flowed freely. Lauren sighed. She knew she couldn’t tell them the truth. It was too dangerous and even if they knew the whole story they wouldn’t believe her anyway. She better get going or she would be late. She slipped on her black high heeled round toe pumps and picked up a small jewel-encrusted clutch as well as her gift for the happy couple. When she arrived at the party, Georgina greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. She looked stunning as usual, her petite figure perfectly showcased in a floor length, black strapless gown. “Happy sixth anniversary!” Lauren said. As she handed Georgina her gift, she looked around the banquet hall. Georgina had done a superb job and the place looked fantastic. “Thank you.” “Where’s Tim?” “He’s talking to his boss over by the bar.” She glanced at the bar and saw Jack handing Stacey a drink. He leaned over to whisper something in her ear and she laughed. Lauren tried to squash the jealousy unfolding in her stomach and she kept the expression on her face casual. She looked at Georgina and smiled. “You’re radiating joy. I am so happy for you and Tim.” “Thank you. You know Jack told me the same thing. I never thought I would see the day.” “Jack is a bulldog when it comes to his family but he is a fair man.” So tell him the truth, her inner voice urged. If he could forgive Tim … She was so deep in thought she hadn’t noticed Tim had come up to them. He was waving a hand in front of her face. “Lauren? Hello!” Tim said. “Tim I am so sorry. My mind got distracted for a second.” “I’ll say. It’s good to see you again,” he said laughing. “Same here.” Tim put his arm around Georgina. “Do you mind if I borrow my wife for a dance?” “Of course not.” Tim smiled and pulled Georgina to the dance floor. Lauren saw Reena standing by the buffet table munching on some hors d’ oeuvres and walked over to talk to her. Reena was married to Jack’s brother Jay who was finishing off a tour of Iraq. “You look as uncomfortable as I feel,” she said. “Well, I am not used to these situations.” “Neither am I.” “I saw the shooting on the news today. It’s so horrible. It reminded me of the suicide bombings back home. Are you and Jack working on the case?” “Yeah, but let’s not talk about that. Tonight is a happy occasion.” “It sure is when I get to see my favorite sister-in-law.” At the sound of Jack’s voice, Lauren spun around and saw him behind her, a huge grin on his face. He hugged Reena and kissed her on the forehead. Reena blushed and smiled. “I am your only sister-in-law. Jay sends his regards. I got a letter from him last week,” Reena said. “Good to know.” Jack smiled and bopped his head to a song the band was playing. “I love this jam. Any of you ladies care to dance?” Reena took a step back and Lauren shook her head. “Ah, come on,” he said. “You know your favorite sister-in-law doesn’t like to dance. Lauren, he’s all yours.” Jack grabbed Lauren’s arm and dragged her to the dance floor. He pulled her into his arms and started swaying to the music. Lauren tried to stay on beat. She’d often fantasized about being in Jack’s arms but it in a different scenario altogether. He twirled her around and from the corner of her eye she saw Stacey staring at them, her face contorted in jealousy. “I think you better get back to your date. She’s trying to kill me with her eyes.” Jack threw back his head and laughed. He’s so handsome, Lauren thought. She itched to run her hands over his smooth jaw. He kept his face clean shaven which showcased his features perfectly. He had dark brown eyes, tan skin, full lips and contoured cheekbones. His short thick black hair was the envy of every woman in the office. It was shiny and full without the benefit of hours of salon treatments. If only things were different she might have had a chance with Jack. She sighed. If only she would stop thinking about the impossible.
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