Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Writer Within: Developing the Denayn

Happy Tuesday, everyone. I hope your week is going well and you're enjoying some nice weather. It's been rainy and cool here since last Friday, and I love the rain! It refreshes everything, and I planted a bunch of flowers just in time for nature to water them. Exciting! I think, though, that they're ready for some sunshine. We'll see what the day brings, eh?

Yesterday and in a few of my previous blogs, I talked a little about the denayn and their former physical forms, the denrana, and today, I'd like to expand upon them a little more. This blog will discuss the early history of the denrana and their first recorded interactions with the amüli people.

You may wish to use this map for reference.

Long ago, roughly fifteen hundred years before the amüli underwent the Transition, the denrana dwelled in the lands north of the Maervydoi Mountain chain, a desolate, cold expanse of forests and fields unknown to the amüli at this time. The denrana held two enormous cities and numerous smaller hamlets and towns. Their empire reached from the Seiryn Ocean to the west, to the Eyrgre Ocean to the east, and south to the innards of the mountains, and north to the edge of the world; until the Amüli Kingdom underwent expansion a few years later thanks to Bertrys Aneys, the first Aneys monarch, no other empire or kingdom had ever been so large.

The denrana's capital city, Gahorin, sat upon an estuary, and unlike the amüli, who feared deep water due to their wings and avian forms, the denrana were adept sailors and had explored much of the western coast of Lasmyl, all the way to the southernmost tip of Iesmyl, by sailing through the Shattered Seas.

The denrana also made their way from one of their northeastern ports (now no longer in existence, even as ruins) to the northern tip of Vasmyl, where they met an ambitious amüli by the name of Bertrys. The explorers befriended the young amüli, and did all they could to learn of her culture and where she had come from. At the time, Bertrys revealed little of her personal history, only claiming that she and she alone could unite the then-scattered clans of amüli and benefit the people as a whole. She was determined to find her way to Madirakov, the small city between a strait and the Maelyn Mountains, and the denrana were only happy to help her reach her destination.

Upon arrival in Madirakov, Bertrys quickly usurped the current Grand Prince of Madirakov, taking his youngest son as her husband (Ayev) and murdering the rest of the royal family. The denrana, who had returned home to send out new explorers and scholars to learn more of the amüli, were surprised to learn of the events that had transpired since their departure. When one denrana by the name of Hava'alanii, who had been the first to befriend Bertrys initially, attempted to find out what had happened, the self-proclaimed queen stated she would not rest until all lands, from the glittering Eyrgre Ocean to the north and east, to the Plaious to the south and the Seiryn to the west, all belong to her.

Hava'alanii attempted to reason with her, explaining that there was much to the world other than controlling land--knowledge, magic, and so on--but Bertrys would hear none of it. Hava'alanii offered to stay behind when all of the other denrana returned home, if only to advise the young queen and try to guide her and teach her how to become a benevolent ruler. The denrana was convinced that their two peoples could achieve great things together and begin a golden age where all peoples of Inrugia prospered.

It wasn't long before Bertrys grew leery of Hava'alanii and the perceived attempt to manipulate and change her, though Hava'alanii had no intention of doing such things; the denrana only wanted to see the fledgling amüli kingdom flourish. Still, Bertrys's lack of trust ended Hava'alanii's life, and when news reached the denrana lands that the brash amüli queen had murdered one of theirs--and one who came from the First Lineage (equivalent to a royal family)--the denrana reacted swiftly and prepared for war.

What happened next would alter the history of Inrugia and the impact the deities had on the mortals of this world forever.

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